Watershed Rights Inventory Area (WRIA) 13 watershed description:
Eld Inlet basin consist of three main creeks; Green Cove, Perry and McLane. Together they cover 14,050 acres and over 51.5 stream miles. Land use in this area ranges from residential, DNR ownership, agriculture, and forestry. Green Cove creek originates in Lake Louise and associated wetlands and flows under Evergreen Parkway. The creek then flows through a ravine and empties into Eld Inlet at Green Cove. Perry Creek originates in wetlands and flows through a forested area. It winds through a gently rolling rural/residential area before dropping through wooded ravines. The creek has two falls within a mile of the mouth. McLane creek originates in the Alpine Hills area and flows through fairly level terrain, including wooded areas and open pastures. Perry and McLane creek empties into Eld Inlet in the Mud Bay estuary. Chinook, bull trout, chum, coho, steelhead and cutthroat salmonid return each year and use these creeks for spawning.