Agriculture Programs Coordinator
A western Washington native, Tina spent 10 years in North Carolina, first earning her BA in Slavic Language and Literature (Russian) at Duke University and then as an Air Force Intelligence Officer. After separating from the USAF, she moved with family to Abilene, TX, for two years before settling in Olympia in 2000 where they have been for most of the last 23 years. Tina spent 20 years volunteering in many capacities in the Olympia School District, as a Thurston County Master Gardener, with the Washington Center for Performing Arts, and other organizations, in addition to working as a preschool teacher and educational consultant. She began working with Thurston Conservation District as a Soil Health Intern in January 2022 and became the VCC Education and Outreach Intern in July 2022. She earned her Master of Environmental Studies from The Evergreen State College in June 2023, completing her thesis project on the Influences on Soil Organic Carbon In Southwest Washington Pasturelands. She joined the Thurston Conservation District team as a permanent staff member in August 2023 as the new Community Agriculture Programs Coordinator, which is a dream position. The opportunity to create beautiful, nourishing garden spaces in her beloved Thurston County community fills Tina with hope and inspiration. In her spare time, she continues to volunteer as a Master Gardener and Duke University Admissions interviewer, to read, travel with her husband, visit her children, and play with her Golden Retriever, Mazey.