The District conducts, oversees and participates in a variety of restoration projects throughout Thurston County. We work with private landowners, state and federal agencies as well as Tribal and other local conservation groups to restore, enhance and improve habitats of almost any size.
What we do
We often work to restore ‘riparian habitats’ (any habitats near water) since these areas are crucial for the health of all wildlife, especially ‘salmonids’ (salmon and trout). Several salmon runs throughout the NW are either threatened or endangered, which is an indication that environmental conditions are deteriorating. By restoring or improving the habitats these animals need to thrive, we are simultaneously improving the health of many other connected ecosystems from the Cascade Mountains to Puget Sound. Habitat restoration projects can also include upland and grassland sites well away from any water sources and can include simple additions to one’s back yard in the form of plants, bat, bee or bird houses or other habitat features.
Habitat protection and restoration also includes protecting and promoting the use of native plants. These plants are adapted to our local conditions, require less care, provide countless benefits to wildlife, and come in a wide variety of sizes and colors that make an attractive addition to any landscape. Native plants are available from several local nurseries and Thurston Conservation District holds our Native Plant Festival and Sale the first weekend in March each year.
Click on the photo below to view a story map where you can learn more about TCD’s bridge project on McLane Creek.

Check out the podcast episodes below to learn more about how TCD is restoring critical habitat in Thurston County.
Check out our Stewardship Resources page for habitat restoration specific guides and publications.
Thurston Conservation District uses MRSC Rosters to maintain their small public works roster. If you are interested in responding to or bidding on a Thurston Conservation District project, please visit and register online to complete your free business application. To learn about future projects listed by Thurston Conservation District, make sure it is selected as one of the agencies you want to work with.
Interested in learning more about habitat restoration and protection?
Mara Healy
Senior Habitat Restoration Specialist
You can also use our contact form.