Special Projects Specialist
Kirsten Hill has joined the Finance and Administrative Team as Administrative Projects Specialist. Before joining the staff at Thurston Conservation District, she worked over ten years for an investment fund that purchased conventional farmland and converted it to organic and sustainably managed farmland, so she is familiar with the importance of conserving water, soil and natural habitats and of being a good steward of our natural resources.
Kirsten also brings a background in human resources and non-profit fundraising to her new position and has over 25 years of administrative and project management experience. She earned her undergraduate degree from San Diego State University and her Masters Degree from Mills College.
Kirsten is new to Washington state and if you ask her what brought her, she will tell you it was the trees. She enjoys getting out for walks in the woods and longer hikes on the weekends. She and her husband have a small vegetable garden in their backyard and what they don’t grow, they find at the Farmer’s Market.
Educational Degrees & Certifications / Licenses:
- Bachelor of Science, Child Development
- Master of Arts, Childhood Education