District Engineer
Katrinka Hibler provides engineering design and support for Thurston Conservation District’s conservation and restoration efforts. She comes to Thurston CD with 6 years of Conservation District engineering experience at Mason Conservation District. Katrinka has worked on projects focused on agricultural Best Management Practices (BMPs), green stormwater infrastructure, marine shoreline restoration, and river restoration.
Katrinka came to know Conservation Districts as a farmer. She ran a vegetable CSA in Mason County for 7 years on her grandparent’s farm. During that time, she worked with Mason Conservation District to construct a manure composting facility and other BMPs. Katrinka served on the Mason Conservation District Board of Supervisors before she went back to school for an engineering degree with her sights on a conservation district engineering position.
Katrinka is back on the family farm in Shelton with her partner and son raising sheep and blueberries. They are committed to managed grazing of their flock of Khatadin sheep, restoring a healthy riparian buffer along Gosnell Creek through the CREP program and raising fruit and vegetables with organic practices. Katrinka and her family enjoy walking in the adjacent woodlands, biking and a good game of dominoes.
Katrinka has a BS from The Evergreen State College in Botany and a BS in Civil Engineering from WSU. She earned her Professional Engineering license in 2017.
Educational Degrees & Certifications/Licenses:
- Professional Engineer License number 54900
- BS Civil Engineering Washington State University
- BS Botany The Evergreen State College