Habitat Restoration Specialist
Joey Burgess serves as a Habitat Restoration Specialist. He brings a diverse blend of blend of skills including restoration design, project management, community development, and horticulture to the team. He specializes in native plant propagation and prairie restoration.
Joey’s main role with the district is the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP). He also supports other programs like Shore Friendly Thurston. Joey is excited to work with the district because of the ability to support the community through ecological work. Joey hopes to gain expertise and become certified in restoration design.
Joey received his Master of Environmental Studies degree from the Evergreen State College in 2017. He earned his undergraduate degree in Environmental Studies from the University of California Santa Barbara in 2010. Joey’s passion for conservation began at a young age in Boy Scouts and continues as an avid trail runner, backpacker, and rural landowner in Thurston County.