Thurston Conservation District’s Board of Supervisors
Five members comprise Thurston Conservation District’s Board of Supervisors, each serving three-year terms, without compensation. Three of the five Supervisors are elected by registered Thurston County voters, and two are appointed by the Washington State Conservation Commission.
The Thurston Conservation District Board of Supervisors typically holds regular monthly work session meetings and Board Meetings on the 4th Tuesday of every month from 5 to 7:30 pm in a hybrid format in the Thurston Conservation District conference room and virtually via Zoom. The Board Meeting immediately follows the work session. Once approved, agendas and minutes are posted to this page. No formal actions are taken during work sessions.
All meetings are open to the public, we encourage you to join us! Find virtual and in-person attendance information here.
Board Meeting Materials – Meeting Agendas, Board Meeting Packets, audio recordings of meetings, Approved Meeting Minutes
Thurston Conservation District Boundaries Map
Conservation District Elections Policy Manual
For Immediate Release: Notice of Potential Quorum

Marianne Tompkins
Elected Position 1

TJ Johnson
Elected Position 2 – Board Chair

David Iyall
Elected Position 3 – Board Auditor

Doug Rushton
Appointed Position 1

Betsie De Wreede
Appointed Position 2 – Vice Chair
Associate Supervisors
Associate Supervisors are a key component of the District’s interactions and communication with our community and the residents we serve. Associates can serve as advisers to the Board in an area of expertise, represent a sector of our community or an industry, assist with special committees, and support other District initiatives as directed by the Board of Supervisors. Associate Supervisors do not have the authority to vote on the board’s official actions.
See full list of requirements, duties, and responsibilities in our Associate Board Supervisor Policy.
Those interested in becoming an Associate Supervisor may submit a letter of interest to Sarah Moorehead, Executive Director –
For more information contact:
Sarah Moorehead
Executive Director
You can also use our contact form.