Thurston Conservation District 2025 Election Information
The 2025 Board of Supervisors Election for Position 2 was held March 18, 2025.
Preliminary election results will be available after March 28th and the final results will be certified by the WA State Conservation Commission at their May meeting.

Voter Information
A mail-in election for Position 2 was held March 18, 2025. Thank you to all who participated in this election by requesting and returning their ballots.
How to vote
- Request your ballot
- Get a ballot mailed to you by requesting your ballot between February 3 – March 11, 2025 from elections staff at or (564) 669-4929
- Get your ballot in person March 12-18 during weekdays between 8am and 4:30pm from elections staff at the Thurston Conservation District offices (582 Tilley Ct SE, Suite 152, Tumwater, WA 98501)
- Return your ballot
- Vote
- Place your ballot in the provided security envelope
- Sign your voter declaration
- Mail or drop off your ballot by March 18th (must be postmarked by this date). Postage is provided with all ballots and there’s a ballot drop box outside the TCD Office M-F, 8am-4:30pm through March 18th.
- Stay connected with TCD
- Preliminary election results will be shared March 28th and certified at the May WA State Conservation Commission’s meeting
- Keep in touch with TCD via our monthly newsletter, regular events, and community opportunities to see your civic engagement in action.
Candidate Information
Please note, there is only one candidate on ballots this year and you can find their candidate statement below. We encourage voters to still participate in our election process. A write-in line is also provided.

I’ve been a member of the Board since 2019, and have served as Chair since 2020. During this time the organization has experienced tremendous growth, and today we have far more resources, more staff and more positive impacts in the community than at any point in our 76 year history. Best of all, all of this growth happened without increasing the cost to Thurston County property owners. Along the way we’ve also successfully navigated a pandemic, moved into a new interim facility that better meets the needs of a growing organization, and expanded our work to protect farmland and help our community address the challenges of a changing climate. But there is still work to be done. Over the next three years I will focus on helping the organization develop a regional conservation education center that will become our permanent home, while also offering the community a place to connect and learn about a range of topics, including sustainable food production, forest management and environmental stewardship. As a small farmer and 34 year resident of Thurston County, I understand the value of TCD to this community, and I would be honored to continue providing visionary, experienced leadership.
Interested in being a Board Supervisor and missed the candidate filing deadline? An appointed Board position is also open in 2025. Learn more here.
Election Resources
- Conservation District Elections Accountability and Transparency Information
- WA State Conservation Commission (WSCC) Guide to Conservation District Elections
- Conservation District Elections FAQs from WSCC
- TCD’s Election FAQ page
- Candidate information for elected supervisor position (Form PF-A) – Word or PDF
- Candidate Statement and Photo Guidelines
Additional information about Conservation District elections may be found on the WA State Conservation Commission’s website.
Supervisors are public officials and are responsible for setting and maintaining overall district policies regarding the management and conservation of natural resources within the District. The successful candidate serves as part of a volunteer five-person Board of Supervisors who each serve without compensation for three-year terms. Eligible voters must be registered to vote in Thurston County and live within the Conservation District Boundaries. Some parts of Yelm, Rainier, and Tenino do not qualify. Please check the map below.
Have questions about our election process?
Check out our FAQ page.
Thurston Conservation District Boundaries Map

A mail-in election for a board seat on the Thurston Conservation District (TCD) board will be held on March 18, 2025 at 582 Tilley Court SW, Suite 152, Tumwater, 98501. Candidates must be registered voters residing in the Conservation District and may be required to own land or operate a farm. The candidate filing deadline is January 20, 2025 at 4:30pm. Registered voters who reside within the Conservation District boundary are eligible to vote. The first day that voters may request ballots to be mailed to their mailing address is February 3, 2025 and the last day is March 11, 2025 at 4:30pm. Ballots can be requested in person March 12-18 during TCD workdays between the hours of 8am and 4:30pm. Please contact the elections line 564-669-4929 or for a ballot or if you have any questions.
Questions about elections and appointments?
Susan Shelton
Finance & Administration Manager
Election Supervisor
You can also use our contact form.